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PAN ARAB SHOULDER AND ELBOW SOCIETY جـمـعـيـة جـراحـة الـكـتـف و المـرفـق الـعـربـيـة

MISSION AND VISION : Our association provides for scientific cooperation and continuing training of Egyptian orthopedic surgeons. EGSSA continuously seeks to excel itself at performing its duties and responsibilities as the umbrella organization for Egypt as well as the link to the other international/intercontinental organizations. EGSSA aims to enrich the scientific knowledge and facilitates its exchange, accumulates and shares the experience in the field of prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries concerning the shoulder joint.
HISTORY: After a successful establishment of the Egyptian Shoulder Surgery Association the orthopedic surgeons Basim Fleega and Yasser Elsafoury decided that there was a need for a Pan Arab Shoulder and Elbow Society. The PASES logo was created in draft form by Basim Fleega on a piece of paper, an artistic senior medical designer Mohamed Ezz El-Deen – drew up the logo. A group of surgeons with similar interest of various medical centers, starting from the shoulder and elbow group in the Orthopedic Societies in Iraq and Syria as well as the Egyptian Shoulder Association, the Pan Arab Shoulder and Elbow Society was inaugurated in August 2022.
أنشطة جمعية جراحة الكتف والمرفق العربية
اقامة المؤتمرات العلمية والاشراف عليها وعلى الأبحاث العلمية فى مجال جراحة الكتف والمرفق فى الدول العربية-
تدريب وتأهيل الأطباء في الدول العربية على مجال جراحة الكتف والكوع-
التعاون مع الشركات الطبية فى تطوير جراحة الكتف والمرفق فى مصر و الدول العربية-
التعاون المشترك مابين الجامعات والمراكز الطبية العربية لتطوير جراحة الكتف والمرفق-
إصدار النشرات والمجلة الطبية لأبحاث جراحة الكتف والمرفق-
Prof. Abdulmouain Zrek (Syria)
Prof. Abderrahim Rafaoui (Morocco)
Prof. Ahmed Abdelsamae (Egypt) PRESIDENT
Prof. Ahmed Sarhan (Iraq)
Prof. Bashir Zikria (Qatar)
Prof. Basim Fleega (Egypt) (Organizer)
Prof. Boubker Essadki (Morocco)
Prof. Esam Mardini (UAE)
Prof. Feras AbuQuader (Palastine)
Prof. Gamal Mohamad Saleh (Bahrain)
Prof. Hani Elsayed (Saudia Arabia) General Secretary
Prof. Haytham Kamoun (Tunis)
Prof. Hasan Ali (Egypt)
Prof. Mohamed Ali ElBayati (Iraq)
Prof. Mohamed ElZerty (Lybia)
Prof. Mohamed Kotb (Egypt)
Prof. Mohamed Yehia (Egypt)
Prof. Mohanad ElBayati (Iraq)
Prof. Mustafa Kamal (Yemen)
Prof. Nader El-Fekki (Sudan)
Prof. Said Karim (Egypt) (Treasurer)
Prof. Sherif Elnekaty (UAE)
Prof. Taha Elseman (Saudia Arabia)
Prof. Wadah Shebib (UAE)
Prof. Wisam Abuzaid (Lybia)
Prof. Yaser ElSafoury (Egypt)
Prof. Zakaria Benine (Algeria)

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